Posted by Unknown
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Drejtori i përgjithshëm i Real Madridit, Jose Angel Sanchez, ka
konfirmuar se Gonzalo Higuain do të largohet nga klubi mbretëror gjatë
verës. Ai po ashtu konfirmoi se Real Madridi do të transferojë dy
sulmues për të përkrahur Karim Benzeman. Argjentinasi
dështoi në dy-tri mundësi të mira në gjysmëfinalen ndaj Dortmundit dhe
pasi e lëshoi nga dora mundësinë e fundit për të fituar besimin e
klubit, duke se Real Madridi ka plane serioze transferuese gjatë verës.
një klub të madh si Real Madridi, është e zakonshme që të ketë vend për
dy-tri sulmues të klasit botëror. Kanë qenë Higuain dhe Benzema.
Higuain do të shkojë, Benzema do të qëndrojë dhe dy të tjerë do të
vijnë”, ka konfirmuar Sanchez për Le 10 Sport.
Real Madridi po lidhet me transferimet e Radamel Falcaos, Edinson Cavanit dhe Zlatan Ibrahimovicit. /Telegrafi/
Posted by Unknown
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Mesfushori spanjoll, Santi Cazorla, dëshiron që klubi të mësojë
nga ekperiencat e të kaluarës dhe të synojë trofetë sezonin e ardhshëm.
jonë është të fitojmë trofe. Fatkeqësisht, Arsenali ka tetë vjet pa
trofe që është shumë për një klub të madh që po lufton me klube të
kam mësuar se ky ekip është i paqëndrueshëm dhe kjo na ka kushtuar
shumë, ndërsa këtë duhet ta përmirësojmë sezonin e ardhshëm. Ne jemi
larg majes së tabelës për shkak të mungesës së formës edhe pse ka
zgjatur vetëm një gjysmë sezoni”, ka potencuar Cazorla. /Telegrafi/
Trajneri i Real Madridit, Jose Mourinho, menjëher pas përfundimit të
ndeshjes deklaroi se skuadra e tij do të kishte më shumë mundësi për
kualifimim nëse do të shënonte më herët, ai po ashtu përshëndeti
tifozët për mbështetjen e dhënë.
“Lojtarët e mi dhanë gjithçka, ne do të kishim më shumë mundësi po të
shënomin më herët.Bernabeu ka qenë fantasikë, tifozët na mbështetën
gjatë gjithë kohës, por ne nuk e bëm atë që duhej”, deklaroi trajneri
portugez Jose Mourinho.
Posted by Unknown
Monday, April 29, 2013
Cristiano Ronaldo është rikthyer në stërvitje të plota para
ndeshjes së nesërme gjysmëfinale të Ligës së Kampionëve përballë
Borussia Dortmund.Portugezi shënoi golin e vetëm për
spanjollët në disfatën 4-1 në ndeshjen e parë gjysmëfinale të zhvilluar
javën e kaluar, por mungoi në fitoren 2-1 të vikendit ndaj Atletico
Madrid për shkak të një lëndimi në këmbë.
Megjithatë, Ronaldo nuk është në rrezik për të munguar në ndeshjen
kthyese të së martës në Santiago Bernabeu, pasi është kthyer në
stërvitje sërish pas një pauze të shkurtër.
Sulmuesi u është bashkuar lojtarëve të tjerë të Realit të hënën dhe nuk ka vërejtur ndonjë problem gjatë stërvitjes.
Ronaldo ka kaluar një sezon të shkëlqyeshëm për Madridin, duke
shënuar 51 gola në 50 paraqitje në të gjitha garat, dhe Madrid shpreson
të shtojë numrin e golave, derisa synon të rikthehet në fushë nesër për
të kërkuar finalen e Ligës së Kampionëve. /Telegrafi/
Posted by Unknown
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Napoli ka mposhtur Pescara-n, ndërsa Blerim Xhemajli ka vazhduar të
tregojë formën e tij të mirë. Mesfushori shqiptar me nënshtetësi
zvicerane ka gjetur sërish golin, në fitoren 3-0 të Napolit në në
Ai dha vulën përfundimtare këtij takimi, pasi realizoi
gol në minutën e 82-të, ndërsa më parë kishin shënuar Gokhan Inler (46’)
e Goran Pandev (58’), ka transmetuar Shekulli online.
Kjo fitore
siguron përfundimisht Napolit vendin e dytë në tabelë. Futbollisti
tjetër shqiptar, Valon Behrami, mungoi në këtë takim, për shkak të
pezullimit. Më herët Udinese mposhti 1-0 Cagliarin në transfertë, ndërsa
Atalanta dhe Bologna u ndanë në barazim 1-1.
Posted by Unknown
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Xherdan Shaqiri gjithëmon po arrinë ta arsyetojë besimin e dhënë nga
trajneri Heynckes në bundesligë. Shaqiri ka arritur të shënojë një
tjetër gol në ndeshjen që është duke u zhvilluar në Alianz Arena ku
Bayern Munchen është duke fituar me rezultat 1-0 përball
Posted by Unknown
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Bayern Munichu i e ka nëpërkëmbur atë që quhej skuadra më e mirë
në botë – Barcelonën, duke e mposhtur me rezultat 4-0 në ndeshjen e
parë gjysmëfinale të Ligës së Kampionëve që u zhvillua në Allianz Arena.Blaugranët
ishin kundërshtarë të lehtë për bavarezët në fraksionin e parë të
lojës. Ata vetëm e qarkullonin topin në fushë dhe nuk shfaqnin aspak
rrezik. Përkundër dominimit në posedimin e topit, mysafirët asnjëherë
nuk e rrezikuan portën e Neuer. Leo Messi ishte i heshtur dhe vërehej se
nuk është rikuperuar.
Nga ana tjetër, vendasit ishin mbresëlënës – të fortë në mbrojtje dhe
të rrezikshëm sa herë që e kishin topin në posedim. Robben dërgoi një
krosim në zonë, Dante e goditi me kokë në drejtim të portës, ndërsa aty
arriti Thomas Mueller për të goditur me kokë dhe për ta mposhtur
Valdesin (25’).
SuperBayerni vazhdoi edhe në pjesën e dytë. Robben harkoi nga këndi,
Mueller e uli topin për Mario Gomez dhe gjermani e dyfishoi rezultatin
(49’) nga një pozitë e dyshimtë jashtë loje.
Arjen Robben pranoi një top nga Schweinsteiger e kaloi Jordi Alban,
të cilin më pas e bllokoi Mueller (ndoshta me ndërhyrje të palejuar?)
dhe holandezi e thelloi edhe më shumë avantazhin (73’).
Bartra i pati dy raste për Blaugranët, mirëpo një mbrojtës e ka të vështirë të reagojë si duhet në fazën e sulmit.
Ai që e hapi serinë e golave edhe e mbylli atë. Alaba dërgoi një
asistim të bukur drejt Thomas Mueller, i cili shënoi golin e dytë
personal dhe të katërtin për vendasit (82’).
Për ta shijuar këtë fitore në fund të ndeshjes u inkuadrua edhe
mesfushori shqiptar me pasaportë zvicerane, Xherdan Shaqiri (në vend te
Franck Ribery, 89’).
Edhe pse gjithçka është e mundur në futboll dhe po ashtu kemi të
bëjmë me Barcelonën, megjithatë rezultati prej 4-0 do të thotë se Bayern
Munichu është në një masë të madhe finalisti i parë i këtij edicioni të
Ligës së Kampionëve. /Telegrafi/
Posted by Unknown
Monday, April 22, 2013
MIAMI – Italian soccer lags behind the best in Europe, especially financially.
That's the view of Juventus coach Antonio Conte, who, after a
comprehensive Champions League quarterfinal elimination by Bayern
Munich, predicted that a Serie A side won't win the CL "in the coming
years." And that's the view of former Milan defender Paolo Maldini, who
said in a recent interview with Reuters that, without new investment and
law changes, Italy will continue to drag behind Europe's elite.
Inter has played at San Siro since 1926.
As Italy falls away from the best in Europe, Internazionale has slipped behind in Italy.
The Nerazzurri sit in fifth, two points ahead of eighth-placed
Udinese and six points off the all-important third-place spot that will
qualify for the Champions League.
Following a heady streak of five straight Scudettos, Inter hasn't
won the Serie A since Jose Mourinho left in 2010. And the impending
Financial Fair Play regulations mean the club can no longer lean on the
largess of owner and oil tycoon Massimo Moratti, as it has for nearly
two decades.
This is the plight of general manager Marco Fassone, who joined in June.
"We don't know exactly which rules UEFA will adopt," Fassone told "We know 2013-14, the coming season, will be an enormous
With UEFA rolling out its financial restrictions gradually, Fassone
did not think the club risks exclusion from European competition next
year, except by failing to qualify, of course.
"But for the '14-15 [season], after the first three years of control
of the European teams, it could be the first critical season," he said.
"We are strongly working on the Financial Fair Play to reduce the
losses that our club had in the last years. We reduced strongly the
amount of salaries this year, and we're working to be compliant with the
rules in a couple of years."
Ahead of the 2012-13 season, Inter cut its wages by nearly a third
-- 45 million euros -- down to 100m euros, according to La Gazzetta
dello Sport. Additionally, the club cut ties with Wesley Sneijder's
team-high 6m euro wages in January.
Reducing costs won't cut it without increased revenue, however. Key
to Inter's financial future is a new stadium. Currently both Milan clubs
play in the crumbling San Siro. Like nearly every other stadium in
Italy, it is owned by the city, not the clubs that play in it.
Hefty tenant fees present an additional financial hurdle for Italian
clubs, with ticket and other matchday sales forming a significant chunk
– roughly a fourth – of gross earnings for clubs in other European
countries. (Arsenal, a relative outlier, earns 41 percent of its overall
income from matchday revenue, according to Deloitte. Inter gathers just
13 percent of gross revenue from matchday sources. Most of the
non-Italian teams in the Deloitte Money League top 10 range from 24 to
31 percent.)
Figures released by Deloitte showed that Real Madrid's matchday
revenue (126.2m euros) was nearly four times higher than that of AC
Milan, which led Italian clubs at 33.8m euros. Juventus tripled its
matchday income by moving into its self-owned stadium last season.
A new home represents Inter's best hope.
"It's a crucial project for the future of Inter," Fassone said. "We
are looking for the right location of the stadium. We have a shortlist
of three potential locations in Milan and surrounding Milan. In these
months we are looking at the financial aspects of the stadium, so the
developer, the constructor, the request of equity that we have to put
in. We are trying to close this phase and all this procedure by 2013."
He estimates that the new stadium will be ready for the 2018-19
season. Fassone was the COO and stadium project manager of Juventus, the
first club in Italy to build its own stadium. He does not think Inter's
five-year timetable for building one is excessive.
"Consider that the law in Italy is very strange and doesn't allow to
arrive from the original project to the final permission before a
couple of years," Fassone said.
He doesn't expect to have wrapped up legal procedures before the
2014-15 season, with the next two years set aside for construction. "A
reasonable schedule, I think," he said.
Fellow tenant AC Milan has also pursued various stadium solutions,
including purchasing San Siro from the Milan municipality, though vice
president Adriano Galliani balked at the quoted price. The two clubs
likely won't share a stadium – San Siro or otherwise – after 2018,
according to Fassone.
"When you are alone, you're more free to adapt the stadium to your
needs," Fassone said. "I think the best option is to have a stadium for
Inter and a stadium for AC Milan."
Between Juventus and Inter, Fassone spent a year as the managing
director of Napoli. Currently, Napoli is second in the league and will
likely qualify for the Champions League.
Inter, in contrast, lost the Coppa Italia semifinal to AS Roma, 5-3
on aggregate. Prior to the second leg, Fassone called the domestic cup
"the last competition where we are competing to win." With five games
remaining, Inter faces a struggle to hold onto its Europa League slot.
Fassone said he expected to play in preliminary qualification rounds of
either the Europa or Champions League following the Guinness
International Champions Cup in August.
After Mourinho, Inter churned through five different coaches in two
years. However, Moratti has stuck with former youth coach Andrea
Stramaccioni for nearly 13 months now.
"Unfortunately this season was a season with a lot of injures that
for sure have influenced the results," Fassone said. He rattled off the
recent ones: Diego Milito, Antonio Cassano, Rodrigo Palacio, Yuto
Nagatomo, Walter Gargano. "We want to understand why all these injuries
[happened] this year and to consider [that] the coach, since November,
had at his disposal a reduced number of players."
Just like the stadium, Fassone sees the 37-year-old coach as a
long-term project. In any case, Inter won't review Stramaccioni's
situation until the summer, and could stick with the charismatic coach
another season despite disappointing results.
"This is not a decision that we will take in this moment, but why
not?" Fassone said. "He's very young. He's a project – a long-term
project with him, I hope."
Much going on at Inter is.
Posted by Unknown
Saturday, April 20, 2013
It will take a massive £65million bid to prise superstar Gareth Bale out of Tottenham.
And Bayern Munich have joined the quartet of European clubs chasing Bale’s signature.
The German champions, Barcelona and Real Madrid have formally declared their interest in the Welsh midfielder to the club. Paris St Germain are also monitoring the situation.
still believe Bale, 23, will stay with them for at least another season
but accept a £65m bid could be enough to trigger a scramble for his
Bale force: Sigurdsson claims winger can lead Spurs to Europe
Dynamic duo: Bale and Sigurdsson have been on form recently
Gareth Bale can handle carrying Tottenham’s Champions League dreams on his shoulders, writes Matt Law.
That’s according to team-mate Gylfi Sigurdsson, who is desperate to see the Welshman return against Manchester City today.
Bale suffered an ankle injury against Basel a fortnight ago and will have a late fitness test today.
His involvement will be key as Spurs try to secure a top-four spot and Champions League place.
But Siggy is confident Bale, nominated for the PFA Player and Young Player of the Year awards, can cope with the pressure.
“Gareth deserves all of the credit he gets because he has been fantastic,” said Sigurdsson.
been scoring many goals this season. Everyone has been looking at him
and comparing him with the great, great players. He is a fantastic
player, that’s why there has been so much high praise.
“He has
probably got used to all the hype. He just gets on with it, he performs
every week. He is not bothered about being written and talked about.
“If anything, he is too childish.
“He’s a nice guy, a normal guy who is cracking jokes with everyone. Everyone likes him.” Bench mark: Sinclair has failed to make a mark at City
Alex Livesey
Real Madrid will make a huge summer bid to sign Bale and
Sigurdsson believes securing Champions League qualification could help
keep the Welshman at White Hart Lane.
“Obviously, a Champions
League spot would be fantastic for the club and for Gareth,” he said.
“If you’ve got top players, there is always going to be speculation
about them leaving or staying.”
City’s trip to Spurs reunites
Sigurdsson with his old Swansea team-mate Scott Sinclair, although the
winger is again likely to be on the sidelines.
Sinclair has made only 13 appearances this season after signing for £8million and Sigurdsson feels sorry for the 24-year-old.
difficult when the champions come in for you – it was probably
impossible for him to say no to them. So I feel a bit sorry for him
about how little he’s played.
“Sometimes you just don’t get a chance at a big club like Manchester City. But I’m sure he’ll do well in the future.”
Arsenal moved into third in the Premier League after a less than convincing 1-0 win over Fulham at Craven Cottage.
Sidwell saw red for a nasty challenge on Mikel Arteta early on - but
despite playing for almost 80 minutes against ten men, Arsene Wenger's
side toiled in the west London sunshine.
The winner was a straightforward one as Fulham's defence went to
sleep for a Theo Walcott free-kick just before half-time as Per
Mertesacker headed home only his third goal for the club from
close-range. Olivier Giroud also received a straight red very late in
the game for a challenge on Stanislav Manolev, but the visitors managed
to cling on for the vital three points.
Best of the Match:
Man of the Match: Per Mertesacker - The much maligned German had a fine game and grabbed the all important winner.
Save of the Match: Wojciech Szczesny
produced some very good saves in the first-half and his dive to tip Urby
Emanuelson's shot around the post was very good.
Shot of the Match: Olivier Giroud was very unlucky to see his shot slam against the post in the first-half.
Talking point: Will Arsenal finish in the top-four?
The win takes Arsenal above rivals Chelsea into third and some five
points clear of Tottenham and although both of them have two games in
hand, Wenger will be delighted after a thoroughly unconvincing display
by his side on the banks of the Thames.
Arsenal had begun brightly with Spanish duo Santi Cazorla and Mikel Arteta pulling the strings.
And after 12 minutes, Fulham's task was made all the harder when
Andre Marriner sent off Sidwell for a nasty challenge which saw him go
over the ball and catch Arteta.
Being down to ten men, it would have been easy to assume Arsenal
would run riot in midfield - but that was not the case as if anything it
sparked Fulham into life.
Dutch loanee Urby Emanuelson was in super form and he almost helped
them go ahead when he led a counter-attack before feeding Dimitar
Berbatov - but the Bulgarian could not beat Wojciech Szczesny at his
near post.
The Polish international was very much the busier of the two
goalkeepers and he was at full stretch to tip Emanuelson's fine effort
around the post.
Arsenal's best chance came for Giroud as he turned on the edge of the
box and was unlucky to see his shot come back off the post.
Then just minutes before the break and Fulham's defensive
concentration disappeared as Arsenal went ahead. Walcott's free-kick
found Laurent Koscielny at the back post and an unmarked Mertesacker was
there to head home from a yard out.
The second half saw Arsenal come out with the game plan of keeping
the ball, and they did that with relative ease - limiting Fulham to the
odd counter-attack, although neither keeper had a real save of note to
Fulham did push late on and Szczesny did make a good save from Kieran
Richarson's low free-kick. The follow-up was converted by Manolev, but
he was rightfully flagged for offside.
Fulham went for the leveller late on, bringing on Mladen Petric and
pushing three up-front, and Arsenal looked nervy, even more so when
Giroud also saw red for a challenge on Manolev.
Fulham were camped in Arsenal's box in the closing stages, but with
Thomas Vermaelen brought on for extra defensive cover they held on and
should have doubled their lead in the dying seconds when Aaron Ramsey
broke clear but he pulled it wide - but the whistle went just seconds
Posted by Unknown
Friday, April 19, 2013
Fernando Alonso says Ferrari have yet to decide
whether they will race the F138 upgrades they tried on Friday in
Bahrain - although is nonetheless confident they are poised to be among
the leading teams.
The three-time Sakhir winner, fresh from his
first win of 2013 five days ago in China, finished second and fourth in
the two practice sessions respectively although set the overall pace on
the harder of Pirelli's two tyres in the latter.
Afterwards Alonso cut a contented figure, despite the
inconclusiveness surrounding the aerodynamic tweaks, and predicted
Ferrari could join the fight for pole.
Live Formula One
2013 Bahrain Grand Prix: Qualifying
April 20, 2013 11:00am
"It was a positive day and we are reasonably pleased with how the car behaved," the said.
"The initial feelings are good and I think we can be up in the
leading group tomorrow, a group that is all within the same two, maximum
three tenths.
"We have not yet decided if we will use the aero updates we tried in
the morning. It is not yet completely clear how they worked and in the
afternoon, we concentrated on comparing the two tyre compounds we have
for this race.
"Ahead of us is another long evening of studying data to choose the best strategy and set-up for qualifying and the race."
However, team-mate Felipe Massa, who had set the outright morning
pace before slipping to sixth on the medium tyre in Practice Two,
revealed that tyre management - something thought to be a particular
strength of the F138 - hadn't been as good as it could have been in the
oppressive heat.
"Car balance was good and it behaved well in all conditions, even if
we suffered a bit with tyre wear, especially at the rear. It's pretty
normal to have significant degradation in such high temperatures and on
this front, we have a lot of work to do to prepare for the race," he
"On the Medium tyres, the F138 worked really well, even over a long
run, but the key on Sunday will be managing the degradation of both
compounds, as well as deciding on whether or not to use the updates we
tried here this morning."
Posted by Unknown
Thursday, April 18, 2013
New agreement will see two of the best known
names in sport come together to increase grassroots participation and
inspire more people to get involved
Global sports star David Beckham OBE is joining Sky as an ambassador.
Beckham signs for Sky
The long-term partnership will see Beckham play a leading role across
the breadth of Sky's work to support grassroots sport and encourage
participation across Britain and Ireland. He will also feature in
adverts to promote the unrivalled range of sport and innovative services
offered by Sky.
As a national sporting icon, Beckham is an inspirational role model
to millions of young people. In his role as a Sky ambassador, he will
help to use the power of sport to change lives through the successful Sky Sports Living for Sport
initiative. Now in its tenth year, this free initiative uses the
life-changing stories and expertise of athlete mentors to inspire young
people to learn new skills and improve their lives. Around 30,000 young
people a year participate in the programme, which reaches one third of
all secondary schools in Britain and has just launched in Ireland.
"Sky have done a huge amount to promote and encourage involvement in sport in Britain and I'm delighted to be joining them."
David Beckham
In joining Sky, Beckham teams up with other sporting icons who are
part of the company's strong and deep-rooted support for British sport
and grassroots participation. They include Olympic gold medallist
Jessica Ennis CBE, who became an ambassador for Sky Sports last year;
Sir David Brailsford, Principal of Team Sky and the architect behind the
exceptional performance of British Cycling; and Sir Bradley Wiggins
five times Olympic gold medallist and first ever British winner of the
Tour de France.
Beckham said: "Sky have followed my career since I broke into the
Manchester United first team. They have done a huge amount to promote
and encourage involvement in sport in Britain and I'm delighted to be
joining them.
"I've always been passionate about the importance of sport in the
lives of young people. It's not all about winning; just getting involved
in sport gives you confidence and skills for life. I was lucky to have
some amazing role models when I was younger, and I'm excited about the
opportunity to work with Sky to pass on some of that knowledge to the
next generation."
Jeremy Darroch, Sky's chief executive, added: "It's great to welcome
David to Sky. Sport is at the heart of what we do and both we and David
believe in its power to excite, inspire and change lives. As a hero and
inspiration on and off the field, David is a perfect ambassador to help
us get more people involved in sport."
David Beckham is managed by Simon Fuller's XIX Entertainment.
Posted by Unknown
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Arsenal midfielder Mikel Arteta says securing
UEFA Champions League football is a must this season and knows a
top-four finish is in their hands.
The Gunners are on course to book a spot in Europe's top club
competition, currently sitting third in the table, a point clear of
Chelsea and Tottenham and four ahead of sixth-placed Everton.
They host the Toffees on Tuesday night knowing they cannot afford to
allow their visitors to close the gap as the race for European football
heats up.
Spaniard Arteta feels Arsenal have been unlucky at times this season,
drawing on their FA Cup exit to Blackburn in the fifth round as an
example, when Colin Kazim-Richards' late winner stunned the hosts.
After seeing their hopes of silverware ended for an eighth successive
season, Arteta knows a Champions League place is all they have left to
play for and is determined to succeed - starting against his old club
He told Sky Sports: "We have been unlucky in some games because we haven't deserved to lose the games as we've done.
"When we got knocked out of the FA Cup, out of 100 games, you'd only lose that game the way it happened. But it happened.
"But the only thing we have to fight for now is that (a Champions League place). Now it's in our hands so we can't miss it."
Arteta, who spent six seasons at Goodison Park before joining Arsenal
on transfer deadline day in August 2011, feels he owes a lot to Everton
manager David Moyes as he prepares to face his old club at Emirates
Stadium on Tuesday.
He added: "I have to be very grateful to David for everything he's
done for me on the professional part and in my personal life as well
because he's been very close to everything I've been through."
The 31-year-old midfielder also expressed his gratitude to Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger for taking a chance on signing him.
He added: "Arsene took a really difficult decision when he had to
sign me on the last day. He took a risk and hopefully he's happy with
Jack Wilshere believes Arsenal are capable of taking maximum points from their six remaining fixtures this season.
Gunners are set to end an eighth successive campaign without silverware
to show for their efforts, but can claim some consolation in the form
of UEFA Champions League qualification.
A recent surge in league form has carried them into third place in
the Premier League table and to the top of the capital pecking order.
Preserving that lofty standing is now the target for all concerned at
Emirates Stadium, and Wilshere is confident they can finish with a
flourish - starting in a home date with Everton on Tuesday.
Live on Sky Sports
Arsenal v Everton
April 16, 2013 7:00pm
He said: "I think we can get maximum points from our six games.
"If we drop points, we drop points - we'll just have to bounce back and go game by game.
"It's great (to be third), especially considering the position we
were in before. We've shown a lot of character. But while it's good to
look at now, we want to be better than that - we don't want to be happy
with third in the league.
"We've got great players, and want to be challenging for first and
second. We're happy with third, when you look at this season, but really
we want to be higher."
Wilshere has also offered an update on his
ongoing fitness battles, with the midfielder having made his latest
return to action during Saturday's dramatic 3-1 victory over Norwich
He added: "It was frustrating, because I was flying just before I got
injured in March. I felt good, confident, and then picked up another
"Obviously, it's good to be back, but it's going to take time to get back to where I was."
Jack Wilshere
"Things then drag a little and you lose your sharpness. But this time
it wasn't anything like as long as the one before, so hopefully this
time I can get it back more quickly.
"I needed that game on Saturday - you always need your first one out
of the way. I wasn't great, I know it myself. I'm better than that, but
you just need to get that first game in, so that your sharpness and
understanding come back.
"Obviously, it's good to be back, but it's going to take time to get
back to where I was. I know it was only six weeks but you still lose
your match sharpness and it takes a few games to come. But it's always
nice to come back to a home game.
"I'm feeling fine. As I said, I needed the game on Saturday and am
happy the boss gave it to me. The plan was always that I'd play an hour
[Theo Walcott replaced Wilshere of the final 30 minutes].
"I don't know what the boss will do [against Everton] - if he plays
me then I'm fit and ready; otherwise, I'll be ready to contribute from
the bench if needed."
Posted by Unknown
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Mark Webber will start Sunday's Chinese Grand Prix from the pitlane after Red Bull decided to make changes to his car.
World Champions broke Parc Ferme regulations to change the gearbox on
the Australian's RB9 and have also changed its suspension set-up, rear
wing assembly and fuel pump.
In making the changes, Red Bull are clearly hoping to give Webber the
best possible chance of making headway during the race's 56 laps.
He ran out of fuel during Saturday's second qualifying session -
Webber forced to park up after a rig failed to deliver the required
Initially lining up 14th, Webber was then sent to the back of the
grid after the FIA determined that his car would have failed to provide a
mandatory one-litre fuel sample.
Webber looking for answers
Speaking after qualifying, Webber was pessimistic when asked whether
he could repeat his performance in the 2011 Chinese GP, where he
finished third after starting 18th on the grid.
"It'll be more difficult just because with that scenario there were
more people with less tyres in the race. I probably had a bit more of a
tyre advantage," he said.
"This year, they've probably saved more tyres for the race."
Webber, who said in the wake of the controversial Malaysian Grand
Prix that drivers were having to race within eight-tenths of their
potential in order to manage tyres, also hit out at the current
situation once more.
Having all set times on Pirelli's fragile soft compound tyre, the leading runners are expected to pit during the early laps.
"It'll look good in the first five or six laps having everyone fighting but it's a little bit WWF at the moment," Webber added.
"If you race people, then you're in trouble. So just don't race; put the tyre on and don't race anyone. Just try and get home."
Posted by Unknown
Friday, April 12, 2013
NYON, Switzerland (AP) — It's a Spain vs. Germany double bill in the Champions League semifinals.
will play Bayern Munich and Real Madrid will face Borussia Dortmund as
Friday's draw kept the Spanish and German teams apart.
"I find it very thrilling to be playing against the best team in Europe," Bayern chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge said.
its fourth title in eight years, Barcelona opens at Bayern on April 23
in a matchup of runaway league leaders, then hosts the second leg on May
1. Real Madrid starts at Dortmund on April 24 and is home on April 30.
The draw avoided a rematch of the foul-filled 2011 semifinal between the Spanish powers, won by Barcelona on 3-1 aggregate.
Real Madrid defeated defending champion Dortmund 2-0 in the 1998 semifinals, winning the first leg 2-0 at home.
don't have to repeat that Real is a difficult opponent, but from the
three possible opponents Real is the only one we've beaten this season,"
Dortmund coach Juergen Klopp said.
The winners meet in the final on May 25 at London's Wembley Stadium, where Barcelona beat Manchester United in the 2011 final.
the second-tier Europa League, Chelsea meets Basel and Fenerbahce plays
Benfica. The Swiss and Turkish teams are hosts for the first leg April
25, and the second legs are May 2.
Copyright 2013 The Associated
Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published,
broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Posted by Unknown
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Watching brief
Lionel Messi
started the evening on the bench after picking up a hamstring injury
during last week's first leg in Paris. The four-time World Player of the
Year missed the weekend's win over Mallorca and was deemed fit enough
to be named as a substitute. Las Ramblas rumbled. The foundations of La Sagrada Familia began to shake. Camp Nou was silenced.
A shadow cast itself across the city as the sun dipped beneath the stands.
Amidst the rising tension a diminutive figure rose. He bent down, tied his laces and strode forward.
Cometh the hour, cometh the man.
Those sat around the amphitheater rose in celebration, the enemy shrunk back into their skins, the victory was already assured.
As Lionel Messi placed
his feet onto the Camp Nou turf you could see a visible chill go down
the spine of each and every Paris Saint-Germain player.
Leading 1-0 and with a
place in the semifinals of the Champions League within touching
distance, PSG looked set to produce one of the most remarkable results
of the competition.
A 2-2 draw in last week's
first leg appeared to have given Barcelona the edge in a tie which the
Catalan club was expected to breeze through.
But when Javier Pastore
shook the very foundations of one of Europe's greatest bastions, a cloud
began to descend upon manager Tito Vilanova and his ailing players.
Barcelona might be 13 points clear at the top of La Liga, but this was not a performance which engendered confidence.
Suddenly there was doubt, anxiety, even fear. And then in a matter of minutes, everything had changed. Order had been restored.
Just nine minutes after
Messi's introduction, Barcelona was level as the French resistance
wilted under the wizardry of the game's most talented attacking force.
The four-time World
Player of the Year has scored 57 times this season, but just his mere
presence was enough to unnerve his opponents.
A 1-1 draw was enough to take Barcelona through on away goals after the two teams finished level at 3-3 on aggregate.
But it could have been so different had the French side taken the chances afforded to them during a frantic opening 45 minutes.
Ezequiel Lavezzi wasted
the most clear-cut opportunity, racing onto Zlatan Ibrahimovic's through
ball only to fire straight at the onrushing Victor Valdes.
Lucas Moura forced
Valdes into a sharp save when he headed Ibrahimovic's cross towards goal
as the visiting side began to turn the screw.
The French league
leaders continued to look threatening and it came as no surprise when it
finally grabbed the initiative five minutes after the break.
Once again it was enigmatic Ibrahimovic who created the opportunity, threading the ball through to Pastore.
The Argentine playmaker took the ball in his stride before lashing home a left-footed effort which left Valdes with no chance.
But no sooner had the ball hit the net than a certain somebody was already preparing to make a grand entrance.
As Messi began to
warm-up on the sideline, the crowd responded. Suddenly, the fear and
anxiety which had gripped those adorned in the blue and red of Barcelona
began to dissipate.
His entrance onto the
pitch with 28 minutes remaining seemed to breathe new life into a
Barcelona side which had failed to produce anything of note in front of
But with Messi, albeit
not a 100% Messi on the field, the home side began to tick and within
nine minutes of his introduction it was level.
Inevitably it was the
Argentine who made the difference, jinking his way past two white shirts
before rolling the ball in for David Villa, who laid it off for Pedro
to rifle home.
That goal sealed
Barcelona's place in the semifinals for the sixth consecutive year and
defender Gerard Pique believes his side ran out worthy winners.
"I think Barca has shown
a lot of quality in the six years and I think we deserve it again to be
in the semifinals," Pique told Sky Sports.
"Paris St-Germain is very strong with good quality but I think we deserved it.
"In the first leg we deserved a little more and tonight we're very happy to have qualified.
"It doesn't matter if he's a little bit injured he can change everything.
"We are very proud and
lucky to have him in our side. He's our reference as a striker - he can
score, he can pass he can do anything and everything."
PSG coach Carlo
Ancelotti added: "I thought we played well. We caused Barca problems,
but Messi is a fantastic player and can find a solution for his team
even when not fully fit."
In the night's other game, Bayern Munich produced a hugely impressive performance to book its place in the last four courtesy of a 2-0 win over Juventus.
Leading 2-0 from the first leg, Bayern eased past the Italian side thanks to goals from Mario Mandzukic and Claudio Pizarro.
Bayern, which lost in the final to Chelsea in Munich last year, joins Bundesliga rival Borussia Dortmund in the semifinals.
Dramatic night in Dortmund
Eric Castel: Barelona and PSG's comic book hero
Real deal
It is the first time two German clubs have made the last four of the competition in the same season.
And winger Arjen Robben,
who was denied a goal of his own by the woodwork, is keen to avoid
Jurgen Klopp's side in the next round.
"If you win away 2-0 in
Turin here I think that's an amazing result because they are unbeaten
for I don't know how many games and they are so strong at the back,"
Robben told Sky Sports.
"Even more, if you dominate the game in the second half as we did, it is a great performance.
"We would like to be
kept apart from Borussia Dortmund in the semifinals but we don't have a
choice and it comes out how it comes.
"It going to be a big one and the semifinals have maybe the four best teams at the moment."
Bayern will now compete
in their third semifinal in four years, but it must do without Mandzukic
in the first leg with the Croatia star set to serve a one-game ban.
Juventus goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon believes Bayern's extra experience was a key factor in the outcome of the tie.
He told Sky Sports: "The big difference between them and us is experience. I was even more impressed tonight than in Munich.
"In the first leg we did
not give our all, but tonight we did and still there was nothing we
could do. I think Bayern can win the Champions League."
Brian McDermott: Former Reading boss set to be named new Leeds manager
Brian McDermott looks set to be named as the
new Leeds United manager as Sky sources understand he is in 'advanced
talks' with the Championship club with betting suspended on the next
boss at Elland Road.
The former Reading boss was the early
favourite to take the role after Neil Warnock's departure but this
weeksaw ex-Chelsea chief Roberto Di Matteo heavily backed to move to the
head of the market.
Former Leeds defender Dominic Matteo was cut from 66/1 to 7/1 as he
moved to on the list of contenders but now it looks as though McDermott
will be the man to take charge at Elland Road.
There was a gamble on McDermott on Wednesday evening and betting was suspended by Sky Bet as the 52-year-old was supported to as short as 1/7.
The potential appointment would mean there is a Brian McDermott in
charge of both Leeds' football and rugby league clubs - with the other
Brian already the Leeds Rhinos chief.
Paul Wiggins of Sky Bet said on Thursday: "We started to see a steady stream of business for Brian McDermott at just after 1800 BST yesterday evening.
"Whatever price we went to was backed by a different account which is
the usual sign that a possible appointment is imminent. We suspended
betting after McDermott reached 1/7 and was still being supported.
"This plunge on McDermott comes after decent support earlier in the
week for Dominic Matteo so maybe a coaching role beckons for him in a
new set up?"
A brief statement from the club hinted that an appointment was close but did not name names.
It read: "The process of appointing a permanent replacement for Neil
Warnock has progressed significantly this week and when all matters are
finalised we will be in a position to make a formal announcement.
"Neil Redfearn will remain as caretaker manager until such time when
an appointment is made, and he is being kept informed of the situation
by the club's board."
Posted by Unknown
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Barcelona take on PSG at the Nou Camp minus a certain Lionel Messi,
who is likely to miss this Champions League quarter-final second leg.
midfielder Andres Iniesta is hopeful his side can cope without the
presence of Lionel Messi for the second leg of their Champions League
quarter-final against Paris Saint-Germain on Wednesday.
The World
Player of the Year hobbled off with a hamstring injury at half-time in
the 2-2 draw between the two sides in the first leg last week and
remains a major doubt for the return at the Camp Nou.
And whilst
recognising the Argentine’s importance to the side, Iniesta believes
there is still sufficient quality in the Barca squad to carry them to a
sixth successive Champions League semi-final.
“Without doubt in
this team there is a dependency on Messi in the sense that he is
fundamental for us, but we are not wholly reliant on him because we are a
team and everyone can score goals,” he told a press conference on
Should Messi not be fit then Cesc Fabregas will start in the
false-nine role that he starred in for Spain during last year’s European
Championship, and indeed at the weekend when he scored his first-ever
career hat-trick in the 5-0 rout of Mallorca.
“I have the luck
that Cesc is a very complete player and he interprets the game very
well, not just with me, but with the whole team,” said Iniesta.
“He combines very well, he knows where his team-mates are and he moves
very well. He has performed at a great level before he came here and now
we have the luck to have him here and take advantage of his quality.”
assistant boss Jordi Roura also downplayed fears that Barca could
struggle in Messi’s absence and said that a decision on whether he would
be fit to play won’t take place until after a light training session on
Wednesday morning.
“We still have training today and tomorrow until we reach the hour of the game so we will wait,” Roura said on Tuesday.
“The sensations are good, but we need to wait for the medical tests and then take a decision.
“When the best player in the world isn’t there it is always a handicap, but we believe in the rest of the squad.
best way to prepare for the game tomorrow is like we did for the game
against Mallorca. Therefore, if Messi cannot be there, the players that
cover his position are players of a high level that offer guarantees.”
also hinted that either Adriano or Alex Song could be deployed as a
makeshift centre-back to cover for the injured Carles Puyol and Javier
Both the Brazilian and the Cameroonian played at the
heart of the defence earlier in the campaign and their experience seems
set to be preferred to 22-year-old Marc Bartra, who is a centre-back by
“We have had defensive problems because there are important
players out. But at the start of the season the people that played
there did well.
“We believe those that play there now will do so as solidly as possible.”
A-list celebrities and big pay packets are overflowing in the Paris
Saint-Germain dressing room, but you won't find Zlatan Ibrahimovic
In fact he is absolutely delighted that David Beckham has joined him at PSG.
Was it because of
Beckham's ability to hit pinpoint crosses and corner kicks? That helps.
But mostly Beckham's arrival in the French capital has meant the
paparazzi are leaving Ibrahimovic in peace.
The 31-year-old Swede was
sold to PSG from AC Milan as part of a summer clear-out by the Italian
club while Beckham, one of the most recognized people in the world,
signed with the French club on a free transfer in January.
"I think it's good for me
that Beckham came so he gets more attention than me, so they leave me a
little bit alone," Ibrahimovic told CNN.
"Since I came here,
everybody said don't worry, as a football player you can walk in the
city and nobody will disturb you because as a football player it is not
like it is in Italy.
"But since the day I came
here it's been totally stressful. Everybody is chasing me with their
scooters. I don't even walk in the streets.
"So when David came he
got more of the media (attention). That's good because he takes care of
that and I can play football and focus on football."
When PSG signed Beckham,
many said the move was simply an exercise in public relations meant to
bolster the profile of the team, which is backed by wealthy Qatari
owners -- the Qatar Investment Authority.
Read: Beckham's PSG sacrifice
But Beckham has been
frequently used by PSG coach Carlo Ancelotti, though the Englishman was
criticized by the French press for his performance against Barcelona --
one of Ibrahimovic's former teams -- in the Champions League
quarterfinals last week when the sides played to a 2-2 first-leg tie in
A surprise starter, Beckham was substituted with 20 minutes remaining.
However Ibrahimovic
believes that the former England captain's experience will help PSG as
it seeks to upset Barcelona and also claim the French league title for
the first time since 1994.
"I think he has been
very important for us," Ibrahimovic said. "The club has been changing
from a normal club to a top club and Beckham gives you some kind of
"He has a quality, big quality. He has a touch that I haven't seen many players have. And he is very elegant when he plays."
Despite the criticism leveled at Beckham, Ancelotti has said he would once again start the midfielder in Wednesday's second leg.
If the game at the Camp Nou is as dramatic as the first leg at the Parc des Princest, fans should expect a memorable evening.
After Lionel Messi gave
Barca a first-half lead, Ibrahimovic drew PSG level from an offside
position in the 79th minute before Xavi restored the visitors' one-goal
advantage with an 89th minute penalty.
But instead of the
visitor walking away with a 2-1 victory, Blaise Matuidi boosted PSG's
second-leg prospects with a deflected effort four minutes into injury
Another boost for PSG
would come if Messi doesn't play Wednesday, and he is a doubt after
sustaining a hamstring injury in the first leg.
After the first leg, Barcelona lodged an official complaint to UEFA, angered about the standard of refereeing.
Besides Ibrahimovic's
offside goal, the Catalans were upset that German referee Wolfgang Stark
allowed play to continue when Javier Mascherano and Jordi Alba collided
in the second half, leaving both Barcelona defenders prone on the
Bayern Munich will be
favored to advance against Juventus in Wednesday's other quarterfinal
second leg, holding a 2-0 advantage. Real Madrid and Borussia Dortmund
progressed Tuesday to reach the semifinals.