One of the UK's leading Islamic organisations has warned that
plans to revise the school history curriculum risk ignoring the Muslim
contribution to western civilisation – an omission that will only foster
The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB),
which claims to represent more than 500 Islamic organisations, is
calling for "everyone who cares about the education of British
schoolchildren" to lobby the Department for Education (DfE) as the end
of the consultation period on the plans looms.
While conceding
that history "has always been the most controversial subject in the
school curriculum", the MCB says it is "deeply disappointed" that the
DfE's draft specification makes no reference to Muslims and Islam. The consultation period closes on Tuesday.
estimated 10% of children in Britain's schools are Muslim, but the MCB
says the proposed new curriculum will not recognise the role Muslims
have played in shaping a multicutural Britain and Europe.
says the plans ignore the contribution of Indian Muslim, Hindu and Sikh
soldiers to two world wars, particularly on the western front in the
first world war. They also, it adds, fail to acknowledge "the
preservation and enhancement of ancient Greek and Roman learning by
classical Muslim civilisation, which percolated into Europe via Spain
and Italy, leading to the European Renaissance".
Nor, it says,
does the curriculum take into account Britain's history of trade,
diplomatic and other relations with Muslim-majority regions, or the
longstanding presence of Islam in Britain.
The council concludes
that the present draft curriculum would fail to teach a "true picture of
the past that prepares our children for life" in 21st-century Britain.
Muslim children will see no place for themselves in their country's
history, creating the risk of alienation," the MCB said in a statement.
"At the same time non-Muslim children will grow up believing that
Muslims have contributed nothing of value to Britain."
It is not the first body to criticise the proposals. In a joint statement the Historical Association and the Royal Historical Society claim the curriculum has been drafted "without any systematic consultation".
other historians have defended education secretary Michael Gove's
proposals, saying they will allow pupils to understand history's
"connected narrative" and put the subject back at the centre of the
educational syllabus.
Muslim Council of Britain attacks new plans for teaching history in
British schools, for omitting reference to Islam's trade, cultural and
military achievements
Indian troops made a major contribution to British efforts during the first world war. Photograph: Hulton Getty
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